Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Marcel Duchamp's Fountain

Marcel Duchamp was influential in helping to eliminate traditional constraints on what was deemed "art" through his readymade concept. By choosing existing objects that were aesthetically neutral, Duchamp was able to create art with normal objects as he did with his infamous Fountain work. I personally don't consider this urinal to be a work of art although it appears to feature an image representing the Virgin Mary. If I were to see this work in a gallery or museum I wouldn't be too drawn towards it because for me its not appealing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Ryan, I do not consider this art at all. This was something created by someone else, yet this person doesn't get credit for it or the chance to sell one for how many thousands or millions of dollars. I feel the same way about some of Andy Warhol's pieces such as the Brillo Boxes. These images were created by some one else and basically copied.
